Slaying Ravana

Foreword:  In Hindu mythology, Ram is sometimes considered to be a symbol for “the ideal man”. And Ramayan supposedly, the fight of idealism against the evils of the world often metaphorized by Ravan’s 10 heads. Taking Ramayan in today’s context, I have attempted to put forth a personal struggle of my own idealism against what life does to us in its course.


“Mom, can I grow up to be like “Shivaji, the brave?!”
“Well that’s dangerous, I would rather have you home and safe!
“Now, you be careful – I am only looking out for you!”, – Mom said
And since then, little young Fear has settled down in my head.

“Teacher, I disagree with your assessment of my essay”
“Young lady, you were too candid! You need to have more diplomacy, OK?!”
“This is so freaking unfair”, disheartened, I burst out,
And since then, Master Anger has been next to me throughout.

Steady/educated/boyfriend material or hot cute guy with dimples?
“Gurl! who do you choose? Mr. Obvious Choice or will you play to your impulse?”
“I choose Mr. Cute Dimples, damn it!”, defeated I said,
And since then, young Ms. Desire has been my capricious friend.

I still remember when my first love made his bid to flee.
“Honey, you have been amazing, but I don’t think you are IT for me”
“I don’t think I can forgive his betrayal” – I had tearfully exclaimed,
And since then Mr. Hate has not really been tamed.

“I HAVE to report this discrepancy, else it will be unethical..”
“You know it will harm your career, so please be sensible”
“I do want to get ahead, I know”, I shamefully mutter,
And since then, Mr. Greed has joined the toxic clutter.

“Did you know your school archenemy just got promoted?!”
It seemed my social media feed was where the world only gloated.
“Urgh, that is just irritating” – keeping my phone down, I often sigh,
And since then, Ms Envy has been plenty in supply.

“Your kid has been bullying other kids in his class”, the teacher says..
“Are you sure he is not just protecting himself”? I ask, defending his ways.
“My kid is my whole world! I will protect him forever” I routinely declare,
And since then, the company of Mrs. Delusion is mine to bear.

“Your team has some great ideas, you should hear them out.”
“I will just waste my time, when I know it is not going to work out!”
“With 20 years of experience, I know my work best” – I pompously state,
And since then, I have Mr. Ego as yet another mate.

“Mom, it is high time you adapt to newer technology”
“I am too well settled to bring about any change in my ecology”
“I really do not want to learn anything new” – I wearily claim,
And since then, my friend Inertia has gotten some of the blame.

“Where did the years go, I cannot really recall,
At times they galloped, but most times they would crawl..”
“I wish I had done more in my life”, I wistfully muse,
And since then, dear Capt. Regret has shared some of my blues.

“What happened to the idealistic little girl?” I sometimes wonder,
“Can she regain her principles, that her ‘friends’ systematically put asunder?”
Sometimes all it takes is a new perspective and a little bit willpower,
No time to start like the dawn of a brand new year!

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